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Farming at 50


Farming at 50... what crazy people start farming at 50... well that would be us, Scott and LeAnn. We didn't buy a zoo, but we certainly resemble one! We have certainly learned some things about ourselves along the way: First, We aren't spring chickens, however, having some wisdom that comes with age has served us well. We don't know near as much as we thought. The farm has been and continues to be a wonderful classroom full of God sized miracles daily. We were absolutely made for wide open spaces. The smells, the sounds, the sights all amaze us daily. We have found the stars, sunrises and sunsets to be fabulous day in and day out. We have seen God speak through nature more times than we can count. Our pace of life was out of control and the country has a way of slowing it down. We have found our bodies to be much more capable of "more" than we ever thought possible. We have found Farmers to be some of the kindest, happiest and most giving of any we've met. We have seen and learned that Kids love being kids in the simplicity of the wide open. We have even made some unique and special friendships with 4 leggeds and found hair doesn't kill us like we once thought. The turn of the windmill is not only soothing it is mesmerizing. We have learned that poop can actually be a funny topic and that taking life too seriously really doesn't gain us anything. We have watched God grow, expand, change, mold, make and break everything we once thought and replace it with something new. And we have learned that God expects us to bloom where He plants us, never imaging our pot would land here in Hazel Green AL, right at the edge of the Alabama/Tennessee line. Truth, I (LeAnn) came kicking, maybe even pouting and with a bad attitude. Don't think for a minute God let that little temper tantrum last long. (I submitted quick because i knew who would win :) And I had never stepped foot in a tractor supply or rural king or any feed store for that matter. Or even really knew what coveralls or muck boots were. I know now. Who knew that such city slickers as us could become bonafide country folk in such a short time. Now asked would we recommend it? YES!


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